Saturday, September 27, 2008


Before shooting the cameraman should know his or her equipment. Theory only is not enough for video makers. Knows all about our equipment will make us very confident in our job. Fluent in our control of the camcorder leaves us free to concentrate on the creative aspects of video making. Think deeply before you start shooting.

The iris controls the amount of light passing through the lens to the image censor. It's usually under electronic control and can be operated manually or automatically.

The backlight compensator is used to set the iris when shooting into the light. The iris adjusts to give correct exposure for the subject. The background gets bleached out.

The low light control is used in poor light condition. By pressing it, will boosting the video signal or brighter the subject that we are shooting. But it will increase the picture 'noise'. It's means that the picture is 'grainy'.

Will be continued later.....